Our Blog

When Will My Kid Lose Their Baby Teeth?

July 17th, 2017

Kids hit all kinds of milestones as they enter kindergarten: first day of school, first friends, first report cards.  But when will your child lose their first baby teeth?

Kids generally lose their first baby teeth between 5-6 years old, although a kid can lose their baby teeth as young as 4 and as old as 7.  So if your child's kindergarten classmates are losing their teeth, but your kiddo isn't, don't worry.  They still have plenty of time to get that first tooth fairy visit.  Generally, the front bottom two teeth are the first to go.

As your child's pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to take care of all your children's dental needs.  If you have any questions, feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.

About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists

Dr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are doctor spouses who have been working as kids dentists in Tucson for years.  They have deep ties to Tucson, as well as the surrounding Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and other areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children. If you’re looking for a general dentist for kids in Tucson, contact us today at (520) 544-8522.

Tips for Dealing with Mouth Cuts

June 8th, 2017

As all parents know, kids are active, and they get cuts and scrapes every now and again.  While we're all used to cuts on the knees and arms, a cut that causing bleeding in the mouth may alarm you.  But don't panic.  Here are tips to help:

Most mouth cuts need pressure.  If your child has a cut tongue, lip or cheek, apply firm but gentle pressure with a gauze or cloth. If bleeding cannot be stopped by simple pressure after a few minutes, call your pediatrician or visit the hospital emergency room.

If your child experiences any swelling around the area, apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the area to sooth your child's pain.

If your child cuts their gums, it will likely bleed.  Follow the rules above.  If you have any concerns at all, do not hesitate to contact us at our office.  We do perform emergency dental services for kids when needed.

As your child's pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to take care of all your children's dental needs.  If you have any questions, feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.

About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists

Dr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are doctor spouses who have been working as kids dentists in Tucson for years.  They have deep ties to Tucson, as well as the surrounding Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and other areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children. If you’re looking for a general dentist for kids in Tucson, contact us today at (520) 544-8522.

Does My Teen Need Wisdom Teeth Removed?

May 25th, 2017

As we grow older, we get wiser.  And then there's wisdom teeth.  We meet many parents of teenagers who worry about what age is right to have wisdom teeth removed.

Here at Northwest Children's Dentistry, we can monitor your child's wisdom teeth.  Some kids won't have any.  Still others won't need them removed if they are positioned safely.  But if it looks like your child's wisdom teeth might impact other teeth around them and cause dental harm, we will refer you to an oral surgeon.  These specialized dentists have lots of experience in safely removing wisdom teeth.

As your child's pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to take care of all your children's dental needs.  If you have any questions, feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.

About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists

Dr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are doctor spouses who have been working as kids dentists in Tucson for years.  They have deep ties to Tucson, as well as the surrounding Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and other areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children. If you’re looking for a general dentist for kids in Tucson, contact us today at (520) 544-8522.

Protecting Your Child's Teeth During Sports Practice

May 11th, 2017

If you have an active kid, odds are good that they're involved in one or several sports.  Sports are a great way for your child to stay healthy.

Sports also carry a slight risk of injury to your child's teeth, especially if your child plays a high impact sport like football.  If you're worried about this, we urge you to visit our pediatric dental office.  We can create a custom mouth guard for your child that will wear comfortably and securely in their mouths.  It provides an extra bit of protection so you can enjoy the game rather than worry about your child's teeth.

As your child's pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to take care of all your children's dental needs.  If you have any questions, feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.

About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists

Dr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are doctor spouses who have been working as kids dentists in Tucson for years.  They have deep ties to Tucson, as well as the surrounding Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and other areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children. If you’re looking for a general dentist for kids in Tucson, contact us today at (520) 544-8522.