Our Blog

Summertime and Dental Care

July 17th, 2014

Summer is a busy time for kids and parents.  While you are out there enjoying fun in the sun, here are a few dental tips to keep in mind:

  • Set aside specific times to brush and floss.  Without school, it's easy for a kid to forget simple routine things like dental care.  Make sure you enforce the basics as a part of their summer routine.
  • Consider sports guards.  If your child is heavily involved in summer sports, you may want to give them some extra protection for their teeth.  Mouth guards provide greater protection against oral trauma in high contact sports.
  • Limit juice and other sugary drink intake.  Beat the heat instead with refreshing ice water or non-sweetened ice tea for older kids.

As your pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to help you understand all aspects of your child's dental care.  Feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.

About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists

general dentistry for kids in TucsonDr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are a husband and wife team providing general dentistry for kids in Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and surrounding areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children as your local Tucson dentist. If you’re looking for a kids dentist in Tucson, contact us today!

When to Replace a Toothbrush

July 2nd, 2014

We've all been guilty, at one time or another, of hanging onto a toothbrush.  It's one of those chores that is easily forgotten.  But how often should you replace your toothbrush?

The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months or even sooner if the bristles become frayed.  Why?  Toothbrushes can harbor harmful bacteria over time.  For this same reason, the ADA also recommends never sharing toothbrushes, rinsing them with tap water after every use, and not store them in closed containers.

As your pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to help you understand all aspects of your child's dental care.  Feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.

About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists

general dentistry for kids in TucsonDr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are a husband and wife team providing general dentistry for kids in Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and surrounding areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children as your local Tucson dentist. If you’re looking for a kids dentist in Tucson, contact us today!

Handling Baby Tooth Injuries

June 18th, 2014

We all know that baby teeth aren't permanent, but you may not be aware of how to handle an injury to a baby tooth.  Here are some tips from Northwest Children's Dentistry.

If a baby tooth is pushed out of place, rinse the child’s mouth with water.  If the child has facial swelling, use a cold compress. In most cases, no emergency care is necessary, but it is best to have the dentist evaluate the injury/ swelling.

If a baby tooth is knocked out, do not put it back into the child's mouth. Rinse the child’s mouth with water and apply a cold compress to reduce facial swelling. If possible, find the tooth and bring it with you to the dentist.

If you have any concerns, you should always call your pediatric dentist to determine if an immediate consultation is needed.  As your pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to help you understand all aspects of your child's dental care.  Feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.

About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists

general dentistry for kids in TucsonDr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are a husband and wife team providing general dentistry for kids in Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and surrounding areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children as your local Tucson dentist. If you’re looking for a kids dentist in Tucson, contact us today!

How to Talk About your Dental Visit to Your Child

June 4th, 2014

Do you have a child who is anxious about the dentist?  Many of our young patients feel at least a little nervous.  We already wrote one blog post about how the words we use as pediatric dentists can affect your child's visit.  But did you know that your words matter too?

A recent study found that if parents and other caregivers talk about the dentist in terms of anxiety, it will in turn make the child more anxious.  So if you ask a child, "Are you scared of the dentist?" you are increasing his anxiety about seeing the dentist.  The child might not have even thought to be scared before you mentioned it.

So instead of asking if your child is scared or nervous at our office, instead, use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior.  For example, saying "Great job opening your mouth wide for Dr. Bunch!" will not only make the child feel proud, but it will also reduce anxiety.

As your pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to help you understand all aspects of your child's dental care.  Feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.

About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists

general dentistry for kids in TucsonDr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are a husband and wife team providing general dentistry for kids in Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and surrounding areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children as your local Tucson dentist. If you’re looking for a kids dentist in Tucson, contact us today!