Can Baby Bottles Cause Tooth Decay?
September 2nd, 2019
You may have heard someone say that baby bottles cause tooth decay. You may think to yourself, I know lots of children who used bottles without any problem with their teeth. How is this possible?
It's not the bottle itself causing a problem, but how you let the child use it. Tooth decay is more likely to occur when a child is given a bottle of formula or milk as a way to fall asleep or as a pacifier. This allows the child to let the liquid pool around in their mouth much longer than they normally would if they were actively drinking, and this can lead to tooth decay.
Giving a child sugary drinks such as juice in a bottle can also increase the risks of tooth decay. This is linked more to the liquid itself. Water, for example, does not increase tooth decay risk.
We recommend a child start drinking out of cup when they are developmentally ready. For many children, this is around the time of their first birthday.
As your child's pediatric dentist in Tucson, we want to keep your child's smile healthy. If you have any questions for our office, feel free to call us at (520) 544-8522.
About Northwest Children's Pediatric Dentists
Dr. Norman Bunch and Dr. Jennifer Marshall are doctor spouses who have been working as kids dentists in Tucson for years. They have deep ties to Tucson, as well as the surrounding Oro Valley, Marana, Oracle, and other areas. Northwest Children's Dentistry provides top-notch care for toddlers, children, teens, and special needs children. If you’re looking for a general dentist for kids in Tucson, contact us today at (520) 544-8522.